Life Clubs Hero Arts Tennessee Williams

All posts in the Life Clubs Hero Arts Tennessee Williams category

‘Twas Less Than Two Weeks Before Christmas….

Published December 13, 2009 by isisimaginings

And in Kirsten’s house, all was chaotic, with a pile of Christmas gifts at the foot of the stairs & many piles of Christmas crafty stuff all over the livingroom. Kirsten sits among the debris & hopes she can dig her way out before Christmas 2010!! She promised herself LAST year, that THIS year, she would be SO organised that EVERYTHING would be done by the end of November & is it? NO, it is NOT!

Seriously, it’s as if some part of my brain refuses to accept that ‘that day’ is almost upon us & I’m now thinking “stuff it, I can’t really be bothered”. The week ahead is going to be hectic & what’s not done will just have to stay undone. However, I am looking forward to spending time with my family & Jen is joining us from the US, so I know we’re going to have a great time. And when I win the Lottery, I’m going to pay someone to organise Christmas for me!! 😉

I attended the Life Clubs workshop on Wednesday & it was another opportunity to do some serious thinking, this time about change. Nina based the workshop on the medieval wheel of fortune, (or, as I thought when her email arrived; the wheel of TORTURE!!). Happiness is at the top of the wheel, loss is at 3 o’clock, suffering is the bottom & hope is at 9 o’clock. The wheel only goes in a clockwise direction & Nina explained that in any stage of our lives, we can be at different places on the wheel. There are two kinds of change: change we want to make & change that is forced upon us & our happiness or otherwise depends on how we cope with these changes, particularly the second one. I am finding these workshops & the opportunity to discuss these topics with other people invaluable.
This week I also had the pleasure of seeing the great James Earl Jones play ‘Big Daddy’ in Tennessee Williams’ play ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ at the Novello Theatre in London. Phyllicia Rashad, (Mrs Huxtable in ‘The Cosby Show’) & Adrian Lester are also in the cast, which is wonderful. The play is directed by Debbie Allen, (remember Lydia from ‘Fame!’??) & she has created a great production. Afterwards there was a Q&A with most of the cast & the producers & it was fascinating listening to their stories of rehearsals, etc. They all seem to be enjoying their experience very much.
I spent the weekend making Christmas cards & I have ten more to make. This card shows my first attempt at using Gilding Flakes. I treated myself to some when I was at the Ally-Pally exhibition. Looking at this photo I realise I should have taken it without the flash.
This card uses the lovely Hero Arts Russian dolls & the tree stamp is from Inkadinkadoo. The paper is Core’dinations Whitewash & the little owl is from a pack of assorted owl stickers from Paperchase. I’m seeing gorgeous cards on other blogs, but all of mine are very simple this year.

Thanks for visiting & I hope everyone has a great week.

Love & Light.